Picking race dates

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G.Freeman Jr.
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Picking race dates

Post by G.Freeman Jr. »

Wanted some opinions.

We have a club in Florida that use to host races willing to do so again. Here is the issue, the club gave them a 2 month window to host. Sept/Oct. In the past this would be no issue, but it seems now listening to some, that having more then one race in the entire country in the same month is not ok. I don't understand this thought process. I can see for a big race like a champ race, the nats, or something like what Phoenix use to be.

We use to race in SEMPRA once a month (except for 2 months in the summer) and never worried about what races where happening in CA or any other district on the local level. Now it is a big issue if you do? Why?

Here is my opinion, if we limit local races to 2-3 a year, so we don't overlap with other local events in different districts then we can kiss new racers good bye. Why would anyone make such a large investment into racing if they can only race their stuff 2-3 weekends out of the year unless they travel.

If you lose 2-3 guys to the other district race who cares, you may in turn pic up a new racer or 2 and still keep the hosting club happy with the profits.

I am not saying to not look and do your best to not overlap, but if it comes down to either hosting the local race or not, I say host the local race.

What are the thoughts from others?

Gary Freeman Jr.
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Re: Picking race dates

Post by fizzwater2 »

I tend to agree, Gary - local races are more likely to interest new folks, instead of just the same old hard-core racers. Hard to get someone real interested when they find if they want to race, they have to start traveling, etc. right off the bat.

Out of all the places we could be, this is one of them.
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Re: Picking race dates

Post by killerd »

I would ask that an attempt is made to try and avoid race dates on the calendar if possible if you are running a typical 426/422 race that get us 25 to 30 pilots in which half or more that have to travel from out of state).

From a local racing outlook, I agree that we don't focus enough on "recruiting new blood". It means hosting a 424/EF1 or 2 pole Warbird style event to go after newer pilots that want to race but are maybe intimidated by 3 pole racing or the speed of Q40's. From that perspective, I completely agree that a west coast race is of no impact. Hope that answers your question.

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Re: Picking race dates

Post by G.Freeman Jr. »

Sorry Doug, I don't agree and I don't think EF1 or 424 is going to bring in much if any at all. I have tried to host 424 and EF1 on the local level and can't get 2 guys to show up for the past 4 years, but I keep trying.

Question, how many guys do you think the Oct. Basin race would lose if we hosted a race in the same month or vis versa. I say none (maybe I am wrong). And lets say I am wrong and one or the other would lose 2 or 3 guys. Are you saying to not host a local race as a result where the turn out would still be 20+ guys?

If a club is willing to host a race and you tell them no because the months they allowed it won't work, that club will likely not let you host a race again and then we lose a venue.

I am having a hard time understanding the logic of not hosting a race in the same month 2000+ miles apart or in a different district for that matter.

And I know that it isn't a hard no, but the perception is there.

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Re: Picking race dates

Post by rocket »

People will travel longer distances for a QM40 competition than a local race where multiple classes are flown. The logistics for a one class event are so much easier than shipping 4 planes. Local races overlapping is not so bad as long as there's distance between them. That's why I ran QM races at Markham. Bigger turnout.
And I said, here am I send me.
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Re: Picking race dates

Post by G.Freeman Jr. »


Good point, but I think we are kind of talking 2 different things. I agree shipping for a 1 class event is much easier, because a lot less to pack. I also agree a big 2 day Q40 race (like Phoenix used to be or a champ race) is usually a big draw contest and overlap should be avoided.

My point is why would a CD on one coast be discouraged to host a local race the same month as a CD on a different coast?

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Re: Picking race dates

Post by rs-ssfan »


Before I had an established date for my race I would always try to have at least one weekend between the date I was wanting and any other race in the "area". I wasn't told I needed to do it, it was just the philosophy that I chose to follow. With me being in the middle of the country I had a little more concern because I could affect races more than if we were on opposite coast. So I would agree with you that a race in Florida will likely have little effect on a race in California. So I don't see a reason that you can't have a race in the same month as another race.

I will say it would be nice if you could schedule it with some separation, a week in between, or at least not the same weekend.

Another nice thing to do would be to talk with the CD of the race you are conflicting with just to let them know it was unavoidable. That gives them the option to reschedule/move their race to another date.

Bottom line is there are only so many weekends in the year and some parts of the country only have a few months to hold races so conflicts can be unavoidable. You just have to make the choice to hold the race or not and move on.

Just my .02 worth.

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Re: Picking race dates

Post by airplanescotty »

When I started Pylon in 1972, LA hosted a "Local Race" every month,,, on a yearly basis :lol:

The driving force clearly was population and competition,,,, more than enuf guys to support monthly races and world class competition. Bobby Smith, Larry Leonard, Kent Nogey, Terry Prather, etc, etc! The airplane Mfg's were there, Motor specialists were there and the venues,,, The Basin, Whittier, etc, etc,. Typical of LA,, no reason to travel,,,, it's all there!

Today's Pylon pilots are fewer, older and scattered,,, making their race attendance decisions very important!!! Does one go to Tavares for a Local multiple class event or to The Basin for a Q40 only event!??????

Then we have the Planet to consider,,,,, Florida like Az is limited due to HEAT! At Rocket's last race at Markham, there were as many fans & generators as airplanes :o :oops: :P

As yet, technology cannot replace a "Pylon Judge", so as with the case at Tavares we have insufficient people willing to support a race! When one additionally considers the race conflicts, the resulting "Club Profits" vs "Work Load" clearly becomes unattractive!

Today the "Kids" are competing with "Drones" in air conditioned warehouses, sitting in Ergonomic chairs, flying multiple level courses with nets strategically placed to eliminate Crash loss!

If we consider,,, We are a dying breed,, or some semblance thereof, would it not be in our best interest to focus on "US" as opposed to the potential "New Comer"????

What if we said, Where do we WANT to race each month ~ each year? Come up with the answers, create an appropriate schedule and enjoy the time remaining?? We just might end up with more remaining time than we anticipated :roll: :wink: :D

Given we have created a strong yearly race event foundation, if someone wants to fill a gap given a new found opportunity,,,, that's simply wonderful!

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Re: Picking race dates

Post by G.Freeman Jr. »

Thanks for the feedback, most was useful. Some was not.. :o :oops: :P :lol:

I guess the takeaway from all this is, of course if you can avoid overlap do it, but don't make it a show stopper for your race if you can't.

We will never get new blood if they think they have to travel and spend even more money to justify their initial expense. We need each district to host more races, this will motivate the new folks to join us at the local level first.

If we just just worry about us and not the new person, racing will be gone in 5 yrs or less.

Thank you again.

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Re: Picking race dates

Post by dwc1 »

Agreed Gary. I ran in to the same issue with the Houston race this past year. We had not had a race in Houston in over 10 years. Houston offered me one date to have the race. Unfortunately, it was the same weekend as a California race. I wasn't not going to have the race in Houston, so we ended up with overlap.

The hardest thing about setting races up now is finding willing clubs. We don't generate enough money with the entry fees we charge for a club to justify shutting down for a weekend, and working for 2 days. My gauge for whether to run it or not, would be to be as honest as possible with the club about expected turn out (funds generated), and if they're still willing to host it, do it.

The whole reason for districting the NMPRA would be for this purpose. As said previously, at one time, one district really wasn't concerned with another's race schedule. We (District VIII) used to have 10 races in a year. There was overlap all the time. Unfortunately, the amount of active participants and willing host clubs have changed that to some degree. However, if overlapping another race across the country allows for a new host club, and a new race, it's a no-brainer imo. Run it...
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Re: Picking race dates

Post by bob brogdon »

The prospect of having a new racing site in the district is great news. We should do all we can to promote it.

Scheduling a race in the same month as another scheduled race should not be a problem, but I would recommend a two-week separation between events.

Scheduling more than one race in a month, even if it is in the same district, is fine and doable.

Scheduling a race on the same weekend as another scheduled race should be avoided, but if the other scheduled race's location is far away, it does not have to be a showstopper unless the other race is a major event. I would still try to avoid scheduling a race on the same date as another scheduled race.

We need more races in the district.

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Re: Picking race dates

Post by killerd »

We don’t have to agree..lol and I’m not saying don’t do it. I was asking if an attempt can be made to avoid other dates if possible. I think everything should be done to encourage a new venue for racing. It would be nice if we could snap our fingers and be back in the old days when racing was popular enough to have local events and enough support where out of state pilots were the gravy instead of the meal..

Doug K
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Re: Picking race dates

Post by Jim DeYoung »

I think EF-1 and 424 races do help get new racers involved. At our Sundowners race we have had 5 new guys try racing. Two of them will neve race at a race other than ours. Three of them will travel to Muncie and Michigan to race . We also have one or 2 more guys interested in giving it a try this coming year.
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Re: Picking race dates

Post by airplanescotty »

Jim, I agree EF-1 & 424 are perfect, and as intended!! :wink: :)

We used to have such an event at Hodges, Ga. Great venue, good attendance & competition, time well spent!! :D

I did notice, however it may be appropriate to insulate the "New Comers" from the seasoned Pylon guys to keep the playing field level and everyone motivated! :o :-? :roll:

Do you guys have STD & Expert classes or another process for this purpose or just let them "Have At IT"??? :P

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Re: Picking race dates

Post by Jim DeYoung »

We do not separate out a standard class. We have held the race the last 4 years. Our attendance has varied between 14 and 18 racers. I think even though some of the local guys will not win, they like being included in the race. I also think they like the bragging rights if they finish higher than another local guy.
Another thing we do is practice on quit a few Saturday mornings. Danny and I and 3 or 4 guys will take turns flying around the pylons. We start at 8 and go until the sport guys show up. usually around 11. We try our best not to be a bother to the other sport flyers. The practice is a lot of fun and very beneficial to the new guys and myself.
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