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Club 40 June race report

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 11:28 am
by Sparky

On the schedule it says this is our second race of the season but because the seasonal flooding at MCRC we didn’t have a first race, so this is our first race of the season. Road detours getting to Seymour didn’t seem to slow anyone down and Bob Bast of the Southern Indiana Flying Eagles was our host.
The field was beautifully prepared and the pylons went up in short order. Practice laps followed and some guys figured out their sight lines for turning on the poles quickly.
We had a total of 8 racers ready to go when the racing started. In the bronze class, with only 3 pilots in that class all 5 races were swept by the Young Gun Clay Williams. The perennial king in Bronze racing had been David Poland but he is in for quite a tussle when Clay comes to race.
In the Silver Class the fight came down to one race to see who was the winner after all the pilots completed their 5 races. With Clint Seyer edging out Chad Williams by one point at the end of the day!
Race fuel was provided by Randy Rich of Riches Brew model fuel. With two choices of fuel most running the 15% NMPRA Blend fuel which has a bit of Castor added to keep from melting our engine if it gets too lean. We also have an all synthetic 15% fuel. That was used by some as well.
Mid race break was taken and there was Hotdogs soda and chips for the racers and works as part of their entry fee, thanks to the Flying Eagles.
Race starter was Ken Erickson who always does a great job officiating at the races.
As always the way to have a great day of fun is to join us for the next race in Galveston IN on 2 July.
I was just informed there might be several 3 pole pylon racers in attendance as the next race is the weekend before the FAI Pylon World Championship starts in Muncie.
I’m looking forward to some great racing in July as we will have some out of towners come to mix it up.

Race results:
Clay Williams 15 1:56
David Poland 8 1:58
Kut Gerhart 7 1.59

Clint Seyer 17 1:25
Chad Williams 16 1:29
Matt Fornefeld 10 1:39
Tim Sparks 8 1:37
Brice Heimbaugh 8 1:32

Questions or to learn more about this kind of fun racing, contact me at
