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July 2022 Race report

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2022 10:55 pm
by Sparky
Ned Gochenour and the crew from the Galveston RC Fun Flyers were our host for the second race of the season. When I arrived the pylons were up and some guys were getting in some hot laps in for practice.
The Weather couldn’t have been better, maybe the best weather we have ever enjoyed at that location!
We had Trey Witte the current president of the NMPRA (3 pole pylon racing) drive over from Muncie and race with us. He participated in the Club 40 racing when we competed at Muncie (2015-19) so he was familiar with the 2 pole style of racing. (He did win Club 40 2019 at the NAT’s) I knew that he might not have had much recent practice but he can run with the best of us!

Bronze class started out with a bang, literally when Ned crashed before competing his first lap. He didn’t have a backup airplane so he retired and the other guys ran a two plane race every other heat with Ned the missing man.
The new guy, Kit Gerhart has learned how to get around the poles and posted a fast time 1:50 and the overall win to best our perennial favorite David Poland in the Bronze class.

Silver was missing our hottest pilot so Matt and Sparky beat up on Trey with Sparky posting fast time of 1:28. Trey still had a blast and is enthusiastic about racing with us more often.

Kit Gerhart 14 1:50
David Poland 11 1:52
Tracy 6 2:10
Ned Gochenour 1 x:xx

Tim Sparks 15 1:28
Matt Fornefeld 12 1:32
Trey Witte 8 1:33

I acquired a bunch of Club 40 airplanes and engines from an estate. The airplanes are race ready Skyraiders with 2 nights of work installing your radio and engine, and one that is kit built that needs to be covered. 2 NIB bronze motors. Plus several used motors
Look for an email listing the stuff I have available. They will be priced reasonably with the only requirement is that you come and race with us!

Lastly: Trey Witte had so much fun racing with us he asked if we could be the kick off for Pylon week 2023? The thought in development is that we would have 2 pole Club 40 (silver) race a day or two before the NAT’s three pole races begin.
There are racers in Tennessee, N. Carolina, Alabama, Oklahoma and Texas that are already coming to the NAT’s and they would come a day or two earlier to have some fun 2 pole racing. This would not be at the AMA field but at a location within easy driving of Muncie. The ones I asked at the NAT’s seemed intrigued about racing Club 40 again.
Please let me know what you think!

Get fast, turn left!

Next race is August 6 Here at MCRC