Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

A forum for electric pylon racing discussisons including Electric Formula 1.
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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by EdSmith »

Hi Dan,

Thanks for that. I guess the AMA has not deleted it from the rules proposals page.

I am not too familier with the rules proposals cycle. Will the cycle timing allow this event be approved for next year?

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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by kane »


Because of the AMA cycle time it cannot happen in 2011. Having said that it still can be sanctioned similar to Sport pylon or "CLUB 40" which is also not an AMA rule book event. The rules that should be used are the most current NMPRA rules. Once we get our feet wet with some contests the rules will solidify and then it can become an AMA event.

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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by GaryS »

Personally, I like the idea of it not being an AMA at first anyways. Like Dan kind of said, not being under AMA's rules cycle allows tweaking and improving as the event gets a following. Once everything's pretty much "right", it can then be submitted to become an AMA event.
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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by RSmith »

I completely agree. I don't think there are any serious gaps or problems with the rules but it's just a good idea to tweak them as we gain experience from having a good season of E-F1 events.

We're having a contest this weekend with 10+ entries. I'll bring up the topic of rules around the camp fire as we have a few cold ones. I'm sure I'll get some input. I'll let you know if there is any good input.

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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by N81U »

It's a tough issue and I feel for those setting the rules. You don't want to be vague in the rules but with the speed of Electric technology, the rules will need constant updates to keep up with new technology. Just an idea forget about the weight of the battery just weigh the plane. We will fit in the plane what works for the time. but voltage (cell count) needs enforcement.

Other than that I would look into the R/C Car "ROAR" standards for motor /battery.


Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by DGavin »

Does the 3.25 lbs Minimum weight include the motor battery??? I was assuming it does.
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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by ceandra »


However, you can leave teh residual charge after a race. You don't have to completely drain the battery before weighing... :wink:


Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by DGavin »

Ha! Ha!
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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by kane »

Yes Dave it includes the battery.

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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by kane »

The OS 25 motor #OSMG9525 is approved for use in NMPRA EF1 events.


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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by administrator »


I have just updated the rules on the first page of this thread. They now match the current rules that are released.

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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by kane »

The 2014 rules have been placed on the first page of this thread.

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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by uavflyer2k »

I see you allowed for 16.9V on the battery test, to allow for variations in chargers, but the second line only allowed for 16.8V.
I'm guessing this was a typo.

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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by kane »


Yep missed the second line. That is a TYPO. Should be 16.9. I am waiting to see if there are any other BOO BOOs before making this change.

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Re: Electric Formula Rules (EF1) Proposed Rules

Post by RCjunkie »

Electronic Speed Controller BEC
2) Electronic Speed Controller (ESC
a. A commercially available brushless Electronic Speed Controller with a minimum of 60 amp rating shall be utilized and controlled by a separate throttle channel. The ESC cannot exceed the $150 US price cap as purchased from the designated MFG distribution channels, (not including tax and shipping).
b. Speed controller may incorporate a Battery Eliminator Circuit (BEC) which would eliminate the need for a separate battery to power the receiver and servos.

Can I run a separate battery for the RX and not run BEC? For EF1.
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