First Indiana Club 40 race results

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First Indiana Club 40 race results

Post by Sparky »

It got warm in the “Valley of Speed" and I'm not talking about the temperature (which it did I might add. )

Last week our runway was covered in water so we kept a close eye, as the water receded and by Friday the field had been mowed and was race ready for the first Club 40 race of the season! It seems we missed several pilots who weren’t ready as they emerged from the CV-19 stupor that has prevailed for all too long.

Pre race head count was down but the few that raced had a great time and we have a new first time champion in the Bronze class.

Welcome Ted Backs to the circle of champions!

It was obvious Ted had been practicing and learning how to get around the Pylons faster than the competition. He swept the field and enjoyed fast time, even when he earned a cut in the race he was able to fly an extra lap and still able to finish ahead of his rivals.
Let's just wait until David Poland recovers from back issues and the fur will fly for sure as David has had a lock on the Bronze class for several years.
Speaking of David, a big THANK YOU for handling the food concession for this race. When Daves around everyone eats well.

Races don’t happen without helpers and we had great support from them and their reward was a great lunch too!

Roman Chrzanowski Scoreing
David and Jan Poland Lunch
John Vinson Pylon #1 Judge
Eric Ruggles Pylon #2 Judge
Terry Sloan Lap Counter/ Timing
Scott Nelson Lap Counter/ Timing

Clint Seyer Starter

Bronze class Finishing order Points and fast time

Ted Backs 18 1:40
Ken Erickson 13 2:03
Tim Porter 12 1:49
Tracy Stacy 9 2:09
Brayton 8 2:07

After a "minor setback" during pre race warmup Clint Seyer attempted to recapture the Dork Award given at the MCRC for crashes. Following Clint’s “excursion” into a watery grave he volunteered as line Boss and race starter for the day as well as operate the stooges we use for airplane release. Tim Sparks was the only plane available to fly in the Silver class. I know several of the pilots MIA from this race will be back for the June race. We are looking forward to it!
Again small but mighty group flew today. The pylons are up so you just need to get out and FLY to get better!

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