2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by rs-ssfan »

Through the efforts of Kent Nogy, Horizon has donated a Spektrum NX8 radio and a Spektrum 5070 "killer" servos to give away at the race. Thank you Kent for your efforts and getting this done, it is greatly appreciated.

So for those in the back that means we have the following items to raffle off at the race.
1. Small Wonder Kit (Tom Scott - CMAD)
2. Vortex (Chuck Bridge)
3. JR T44 radio & reciver (JR & Jason Duda)
4. Spektrum NX8 radio & 5070 servo (Horizon & Kent Nogy)
5. Q40 engine of your choice (HSF)

See you guys in a couple weeks

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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by rs-ssfan »

Ok ladies and gents we're down to a couple weeks before the race, so I figure it's time to do the last "how it's planning to work" post.

The hope is to get 10 rounds in and be done and ready to leave by 4 on Sunday. To make that happen we'll need the help for all of you to keep things moving along. We will present the trophies, 1st - 8th and fast time, as quickly after the racing is over as possible. The raffle will follow after the trophies. For the raffle, each pilot will get a ticket put in the box. It will be a "choice" drawing, meaning you'll get to choose your prize if your name is called.

Practice Fuel: I have a few cases set aside for practice fuel. I'm not sure I'll have enough to supply several gallons to one person and the people that are flying in have first priority on it. So if you're able to bring your own fuel, I'd appreciate it.

Some quick bullet points:
1. Please read the pilots meeting notes sheet (attached) as I'll just be hitting the highlights.
2. You can not start engines before 8 am any day.
3. Field is open for practice on Thursday and Friday. Prior to that, please share the field with any sport flyers.
4. Test flying Sat & Sun morning will be from 8-8:45. Pilots meeting at 9 and first heat immediately following.
5. There will be a trailer to take you to the line and back. Please be on the trailer and ready to go for your heat. The trailer will leave as soon as the last plane is shut down, if you're not on it we aint waiting. There will be a big board indicating which heat should be on the trailer.
6. We will not be stopping for the pilots to take lunch. Vernelle is going to have things ready between 11 & 11:30, please go grab something to eat in between your flights. Remember it's donations only so please make sure to give to our cooks.
7. We will stop for 30 minutes around noon, hopefully at the end of a round, for the workers to take a break and eat lunch. Please let the workers get their food, pilots will have time after we resume racing to get food.
8. No test flying during the 30 minute lunch break.
9. We WILL NOT be sending individual cards back after every heat so please check your finish position before you leave the line. Once you've left, you've agreed with the results and they won't be changed.
10. When you land, send your caller to retrieve your plane (after everyone has landed) and you go check the results. DON'T stand there and discuss the race. Check the results, get your stuff and go, you can discuss it in the pits.
11. Please have your planes inspected as soon as you get to the field, fail safe needs to be proven so bring your radio with you.
12. Chop will have the BBQ dinner set up around 6 or 6:30 Saturday night. Please bring your drink of choice and your appetite.

That's all I can think of right now but don't hesitate to ask questions.

See you all in a couple weeks.

Pilots Meeting Notes.doc
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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by rs-ssfan »

I knew I'd forget something in the last post.

Registration will be shut down at 3pm Friday the 24th so that I can get the matrix built and printed off. If you won't be able to make it to the field before then make sure I know you're coming and you'll be in the matrix. You can post it her or send me an email at lfinchcpa-sbcglobal.net.

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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by KRProton »

Hey Lonnie, quick question;

I was reading through some of the notes about the event and it says to get your plane inspected by you before practice flying. I usually arrive on-site around Thursday afternoon in time to get in a few flights and there are a few other guys there too, but typically no event officials are there until Friday. So in this case, is it okay to practice fly first, or will you or somebody else be there to inspect our planes?

And, are you just inspecting for the throttle cut on fail-safe, or are you looking inside the plane too (with the wing off) like the Nat's?


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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by dagored »

Sorry Lonnie will not be able to be there , Joe Linsangan was teamed up with Dean Stone
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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by rs-ssfan »

Joe thanks for letting me know.

Tim, this race is a little different than previous ones, Thursday and Friday are official practice days. I will be down there Wednesday early afternoon so I'll be there Thursday morning to start inspecting planes.

Yes mainly just worried about fail safe.

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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by Terry Frazer »

Lonnie please take me off the list Terry
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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by rs-ssfan »

I've had a couple questions about getting supplies and such on the way to the field. There is a Walmart in Goddard, where the field is, between the airport and flying field. Here is a map for your guys, yellow x is the airport, green x is Walmart and orange x is the flying field.
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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by ceandra »

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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by GaryS »

ceandra wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:02 pm Where's the wind? I don't know if I can fly Wichita without wind!

Looks to be a beautiful weekend!

Since you opened your mouth, if it does get windy, everybody will know who to blame!
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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by rs-ssfan »

Yeah Chuck why would you bring it up? :lol:
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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by T.Doe »

Good luck to everyone this weekend, hope to see lots of pics and update on standing
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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by rs-ssfan »

Well another year, another race in the books. This year HSF had the pleasure of hosting the NMPRA Champ race along with the Mike Tallman Legacy Race. We had a nice turn out with the final number of registered pilots at 53. With Jeremy doing his usual rolling through the heats we were able to complete 8 rounds (with 2 re-flies and 1 fly off), trophies & prizes given out and have everything packed up are ready to go by 1-ish on Sunday.

This year was a little more special because it was 6 years to the day on Sunday that Mike left us to go teach them how to pylon race in heaven.

Weather on Saturday was just about perfect in the mid 80s with light winds from the SE all day long. We tried to stretch it and get a full 6 rounds in but had to stop midway through because my timers were having trouble picking up the lane stickers due to the sun in their eyes. Sunday started off with light winds that built throughout the day. The level of competition for the MTLR has always been stiff but adding the champ race seemed to make it even stiffer this year. There were a lot tight races with several of them being decided by a nose or less. Unfortunately with tight racing comes some midairs and some carnage. I'm not sure how many planes were lost for sure but at one time I'd heard 12 plus planes lost. Dan Kane was on rails all weekend long, he ended up taking first and fast time (59.92) with a clean sweep of all his races. Matthew Fehling was right with DK until his last race when he cut and lost a point to end the weekend in 2nd place. Third through sixth place ended in a tie between AJ Seaholm, Jim Allen, Chuck Andraka and Danny Coe, this ended up being our only flyoff for the weekend. Chuck buzzed his prop on take off and ended up cutting out so he took 6th place. Danny Coe cut about midway through the race and also ended up getting some bad air around 3 causing him to lose his plane, he ended up 5th. Jim also buzzed his prop on take off but was able to limp his plane around for 11 laps (he had a cut) and take 4th place overall. AJ was his usual calm relaxed self, making it easier on his caller, and ended up the only one clean and taking 3rd overall. Tom Scott fought off a little eye issue and was able to claw his way to a 7th place finish. Brian Richmond battled his way into the final trophy position of 8th place. That made the Richmond/Fehling team the only one with all members finishing on the podium. Final results will be posted later this evening, I forgot to bring them with me to work. :roll:

Tim Lampe, who made the beautiful trophies for us to hand out, thought it'd be kind of funny to have a First place for practice trophy. I thought it was a great idea, I mean aren't we all talking about winning practice. He was nice enough to donate a trophy for it and it was my job to figure out who to give it to. Well an anonymous racer happened to be doing some stop watching during practice and determined that Joanne Coffey had the fastest time of 1:01 and won practice. She seemed really happy to have won. :lol:

Vernelle Tallman supplied us with her usual wonderful cooking and baking, you can never have too many cookies or brownies, to keep us full of energy both days. She also continues to

For those of you that chose to skip the race and the dinner Saturday night, you missed out on some amazing Chop's BBQ for dinner. Dan "Chop" Ulledahl drove 3.5 hours just to bring us some very good pulled pork & brisket along with some BBQ baked beans and some cheesey corn that was the hit of the party. I can't thank Chop enough for doing it. Hopefully anytime you guys are in the Kansas City area you'll stop by his restaurant and grab some great KC BBQ.

Last but not least was the prize giveaway. This year, with the help of modelers, we were able to give away 5 prizes. Chuck Bridge, who just turned a very young 83, donated a Vortex in Mike's honor. Tom Scott, CMAD Racing, supplied a new Small Wonder kit. Kent Nogy spear headed the discussions with Horizon who donated a new NX8 radio and a 5070 servo. Jason Duda worked his magic with JR and got a T44 transmitter and receiver donated. HSF added a Q40 engine of choice to the mix. Vernelle always does the pulling of the tickets for the prizes. The first name she got was Chuck Andraka, he chose the Vortex. Next was Mike Helsel who chose the Small Wonder kit. Brian Richmond was the third name pulled and he took the Q40 engine of choice. Next came the always entertaining Craig Grunkemeyer, he took the NX8 radio and 5070 servo. That left the JR T44 transmitter which was won by Phil Zuidema. I expect to see these prizes being used and future races.

Not sure if many noticed but there was a nice lady out with you camera taking some shots both days. Here is a link to all the pictures she took.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... N_Oc0ZTCv-

My final thought is a HUGE THANK YOU to all the pilots that made the trek out to the middle of the country to attend the race. Without you guys being willing to travel, even when it's a pain to get in and out of a place, there would be no reason for HSF to put on the race. THANKS again guys, it's always a blast racing and hanging out with you all for the weekend.

Until the next one, go fast, turn left and be safe.
Last edited by rs-ssfan on Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by rs-ssfan »

Some pics of the winners
Joanne 1st Place Practice
Joanne 1st Place Practice
B Richmond 8th Place
B Richmond 8th Place
T Scott 7th Place
T Scott 7th Place
C Andraka 6th Place
C Andraka 6th Place
D Coe 5th Place
D Coe 5th Place
Last edited by rs-ssfan on Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2021 Mike Tallman Legacy/NMPRA Championship race

Post by rs-ssfan »

More Winners
J Allen 4th Place
J Allen 4th Place
AJ Seaholm 3rd Place
AJ Seaholm 3rd Place
M Fehling 2nd Place
M Fehling 2nd Place
DK along with his caller T Scott First and Fast Time
DK along with his caller T Scott First and Fast Time
Winners and their callers
Winners and their callers
Last edited by rs-ssfan on Tue Sep 28, 2021 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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